We really slept in this morning. Having lights out at 8:00 pm and arising at about 6:45 am qualifies. We were (are) vary tired.
Well we got out fast from the Patriot Inn and road the distance to Bloomsburg and on to Danville. We ate a bit of yogurt at a little grocery minimart. Then two hours later we stopped at Sorella’s and had a half a sub each and a very nice grilled turkey salad. The waitress there was very chatty and very helpful. She gave us lots of information about the upcoming road. There is a stretch along a cliff that is a known danger spot (lot’s of accidents and DWI). She also told us where there were some motel’s that I did not see on Google. She gave us a number and actually called one and we made a reservation for one of the last two rooms (Bucknell’s graduation weekend). (I feel like Blanche DuBois – “I have always relied on the kindness of strangers.” – Debbie) After the stop for lunch the ride was as flat as anything gets in the part of the country. The one “uncomfortable” stretch was about 8 miles of nice wide shoulder but loose chippings - that is, oil and gravel- on the shoulder only. That is yukky to ride on.
We got to the Comfort Inn in Sellinsgrove at about 2:00. We checked in, cleaned up, did a little research for tomorrow, and went out. There is a mall next door. Debbie forgot her earrings so we bought some. We did a little marketing at a supermarket and ate at Garfield’s (a Chili-like restaurant) in the mall.
The day was 33.6 miles of riding in 3:45 for a 8.9 mph. By the way, in the interest of full disclosure, yesterday was 35.7 miles in 3:57 for about 9 mph. I didn’t have the bicycle computer and had to guess.
Debbie’s emotionometer: The front seat of the bike (Mel) was predominantly fatigue. The back seat of the bike (Debbie) was anxiety - the loose chippings were NOT FUN! Neither was the ride around the ridge with caution signs indicating numerous DWI fatalities and warning against aggressive drivers.
I have not seen your rig before. That is very impressive. However, it looks a little unstable to me. Is it a problem when you are going slow up some of those hills? I must say you two are amazing (or maybe just a little crazy). Have you heard the latest Lance Armstrong news. Here is the short version: Floyd Landus said that while he was with Postal most of the whole team was taking performance enhancing drugs. Hang in there. -- Merle